Cancer care evaluation in SW Moravia
All health care providers participating in the CCCN share common data collection standards and information reporting based on a standardised information system. Performance and quality indicators represent a key part of this online tool. The evaluation of cancer care in the catchment area of the CCCN is based mainly on population-based indicators. In addition to an internationally recommended set of general health indicators, the following indicators are statistically estimated and quantified and/or benchmarked against the national reference values:
- volume of care in the CCCN – both in absolute numbers and ranking (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...) from the national point of view (interregional comparison),
- CCCN coverage in the catchment area, with a focus on time trends,
- migration rate of cancer patients into and out of the CCCN area,
- quantification of specific patient distribution pathways – centralised primary and follow-up care for childhood cancers, rare cancers and haematological malignancies,
- consumption of specific cancer treatment modalities (per 1,000 inhabitants in the catchment area), including anticancer drugs,
- performance rate of cancer management teams (accessibility in all entry points of the CCCN, number of patients assessed, patient distribution pathways),
- number of patients enrolled,
- number of patients with relevant time to completed diagnostic examination and cancer staging,
- number of patients in agreed follow-up programmes,
- rate of early repeated hospitalisation(s) or interventions after surgery,
- hospital-related and surgery-related mortality rates, 30-day and 90-day mortality,
- relative survival rates (1-year, 3-year and 5-year).
The attached pilot presentation sums up three of the evaluated dimensions, i.e. the coverage reached by the CCCN services, time trends in population survival rates and the national ranking in the volume of care.