Published methods and results

Overview of selected articles and books based on the data sources employed in the CCCN pilot model, which were published prior to or during the project of the CCCN pilot model.

Outputs on the CCCN pilot model and related topics


Scientific articles in international journals

Májek O, Dušková J, Dvořák V, Beková A, Klimeš D, Blaha M, Anttila A, Dušek L. Performance indicators in a newly established organized cervical screening programme: registry-based analysis in the Czech Republic. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2016. [Epub ahead of print]. DOI 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000236.

Suchánek S, Májek O, Vojtěchová G, Mináriková P, Rotnáglová B, Seifert B, Minárik M, Kožený P, Dušek L, Zavoral M. Colorectal cancer prevention in the Czech Republic: time trends in performance indicators and current situation after 10 years of screening. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014; 23(1): 18-26.

Pavlík T, Májek O, Büchler T, Vyzula R, Petera J, Ryska M, Ryška A, Cibula D, Babjuk M, Abrahámová J, Vorlíček J, Mužík J, Dušek L. Trends in stage-specific population-based survival of cancer patients in the Czech Republic in the period 2000-2008. Cancer Epidemiology 2014, 38(1): 28-34.

Zavoral M, Suchánek Š, Májek O, Frič P, Mináriková P, Minárik M, Seifert B, Dušek L. Colorectal cancer screening: 20 years of development and recent progress. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 20(14): 3825-3834.

Outputs published prior to setting of the CCCN pilot model


Scientific articles in international journals

Suchánek S, Májek O, Vojtěchová G, Mináriková P, Rotnáglová B, Seifert B, Minárik M, Kožený P, Dušek L, Zavoral M. Colorectal cancer prevention in the Czech Republic: time trends in performance indicators and current situation after 10 years of screening. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014; 23(1): 18-26.

Pavlík T, Májek O, Büchler T, Vyzula R, Petera J, Ryska M, Ryška A, Cibula D, Babjuk M, Abrahámová J, Vorlíček J, Mužík J, Dušek L. Trends in stage-specific population-based survival of cancer patients in the Czech Republic in the period 2000-2008. Cancer Epidemiology 2014, 38(1): 28-34.

Zavoral M, Suchánek Š, Májek O, Frič P, Mináriková P, Minárik M, Seifert B, Dušek L. Colorectal cancer screening: 20 years of development and recent progress. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 20(14): 3825-3834.

Pavlík T, Májek O, Mužík J, Koptíková J, Slavíček L, Fínek J, Feltl D, Vyzula R, Dušek L. Estimating the number of colorectal cancer patients treated with anti-tumour therapy in 2015: the analysis of the Czech National Cancer Registry. BMC Public Health 2012; 12: 117.

Májek O, Daneš J, Skovajsová M, Bartoňková H, Burešová L, Klimeš D, Brabec P, Kožený P, Dušek L. Breast cancer screening in the Czech Republic: time trends in performance indicators during the first seven years of the organised programme. BMC Public Health 2011; 11: 288.

Brabec P, Šufliarsky J, Linke Z, Plank L, Mrhalová M, Pavlík T, Klimeš D, Gregor J. A whole population study of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Neoplasma 2009; 56(5): 459-464.


Májek O, Daneš J, Zavoral M, Dvořák V, Seifert B, Dušková J, Skovajsová M, Suchánek Š, Beková A, Malík T, Klimeš D, Blaha M, Pavlík T, Gregor J, Mužík J, Dušek L. State of cancer screening programmes in the Czech Republic and methodology of personalised invitation to screening. Masaryk University, 2013. ISBN 978-80-210-6504-8.
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Dušek L. et al. Czech Cancer Care in Numbers 2008–2009. Prague: Grada Publishing, 2010. 496 p. ISBN 978-80-247-3244-2.