Employed data sources
Various data sources have been used for the analyses of cancer epidemiology and healthcare in the CCCN pilot model. All of these sources are nationwide registries established on the legislative basis and administered by national authorities – the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CZ) and the Czech Statistical Office. Both institutes are components of the National Statistical Service according to Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the National Statistical Service.
For the purpose of the CCCN pilot model, data analyses have been carried out and outputs have been produced at the joint workplace of the IHIS CZ and the Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses of the Masaryk University (IBA MU). The joint workplace was established in 2014 in order to build a comprehensive and robust analytical background that would serve, among others, for processing data from the National Health Information System. The cooperation between these institutions enables an effective utilisation of data (both regional and national) from individual data sources, their analysis and presentation.
Data sources employed in the CCCN pilot model are:
National Health Information System (NHIS)
NHIS is a unified nationwide information system designed particularly for processing data on health status of the population, on healthcare providers and their economy, and on health professionals working in healthcare, for the purpose of obtaining information about the extent and quality of provided health services, for their management and for the development of health policies, for the needs of science and research in the field of health, for processing the data for statistical purposes, and for providing data and statistical information. The role of the National Health Information System (NHIS) is defined in Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on Health Services and Conditions of Their Provision.
NHIS includes the following components: (1) the Programme of Statistical Investigations of the Ministry of Health, (2) National Health Registers, (3) the National Register of Healthcare Providers, (4) the National Register of Healthcare Professionals, (5) national health registers maintained according to the Act No. 285/2002 Coll., on the Donation, Procurement and Transplantations of Tissues and Organs and on Amendments to Some Acts (Transplantation Act), (6) information systems on infectious diseases maintained according to the Act No. 258/2000 Coll. on Protection of Public Health, (7) other information systems.
Administration of NHIS is delegated by the Ministry of Health to the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CZ) in accordance with the basic purpose and the objective of its activity that follows from the Statute of IHIS CZ.
Czech National Cancer Registry
The Czech National Cancer Registry (CNCR) is a nationwide population-based registry aimed at recording cancer cases and their continuous follow-up. CNCR provides summary data for statistical overviews on both the national and international levels, for epidemiological studies, and for health research. CNCR data are also employed to support early diagnosis and treatment of cancers and precancerous lesions, to monitor their incidence trends, causative factors, and societal impact. Verified data from 1977 to present are available for the analysis.
Note: interactive tools for online analysis of the CNCR data are available at the www.svod.cz website.
National Registry of Hospitalised Patients
The National Registry of Hospitalised Patients is a nationwide population-based registry containing records on persons who were hospitalised in inpatient wards, and who were discharged from hospital in the monitored period. Records on 17,726,290 cases of hospitalisation in the Czech Republic (both emergency beds and long-term beds) are available for the period 2007–2014.
National Registry of Healthcare Providers
As part of the National Health Information System, the National Registry of Healthcare Providers contains information on all providers of healthcare, providers of social care that provide healthcare services, and about visiting persons. For each individual provider, the registry contains information about licenses for providing healthcare, professional representatives, places of healthcare provision, and detailed information about healthcare facilities.
Database of Administrative Data of Healthcare Facilities
The Database of Administrative Data of Healthcare Facilities contains data that are sent to health insurance companies in a parametric structure and are therefore independent on local hospital information systems. These data contain detailed information on treatment of patients in selected healthcare facilities; data on both outpatients and inpatients are available for the most recent 5–8 years.
The Death Certificate is the basic source of information on each death, administered by the Czech Statistical Office. The examining physician fills the certificate immediately after his/her examination of the deceased person. Apart from the basic sociodemographic characteristics, the physician also records the succession of causes leading to death (coded by ICD-10); data are available up to the year 2014.